Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| TcpConnectionBrokerJunitTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.281 |
| TcpConnectionDiscovererJUnitTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 2.141 |
| TcpConnectionJUnitTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.016 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| ChannelEventHandlersJUnitTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.641 |
| ChannelJUnitTest | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.547 |
| MessageEventHandlerJUnitTest | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.641 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| EventFrameIdentifierJUnitTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.016 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| SubscriptionJUnitTest | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.312 |
| SubscriptionListenerJUnitTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.265 |
| SubscriptionParametersJUnitTest | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.109 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| AutoCreatingStoreJUnitTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0 |
| isJUnitTest | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.094 |
| ReferenceCounterJUnitTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| ContainerFactoryJUnitTest | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.234 |
| ContainerJUnitTest | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 2.391 |
| DynamicContainerJUnitTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.234 |
| EventProcessingContainerJUnitTest | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 2.203 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| ContainerDefinitionJUnitTest | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.234 |
| DescriptorFieldJUnitTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 23.625 |
| Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
| AsymmetricFramesFunctionalTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 2.625 |
| LifecycleJUnitTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.015 |
| RecordFunctionalTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 5.672 |
| testAsymmetricFrameNotification | 0.844 |
| testObservedAsymmetricFrameNotification | 1.062 |
| testComplexObservedAsymmetricFrameNotification | 0.703 |
| testChannelAvailableEventHandler_NoSubscriptions | 0.171 |
| testChannelAvailableEventHandler_Subscriptions | 0.188 |
| testConnectionAvailableEventHandler_SingleConnection | 0.156 |
| testConnectionAvailableEventHandler_DuplicateConnectionOnInferiorContext | 0.125 |
| testConnectionAvailableEventHandler_DuplicateConnectionEqualIdentity | 0.125 |
| testConnectionAvailableEventHandler_DuplicateConnectionOnSuperiorContext | 0.11 |
| testConnectionDestroyedEventHandler | 0.203 |
| testConnectionDestroyedEventHandler_NoChannelExists | 0.109 |
| testConnectionDestroyedEventHandler_ReconnectRequired | 0.109 |
| testConnectionDiscoveredEventHandler_FirstDiscoveryNoSubscriptions | 0.109 |
| testConnectionDiscoveredEventHandler_FirstDiscoveryWithSubscriptions | 0.125 |
| testConnectionDiscoveredEventHandler_SecondDiscovery | 0.11 |
| testConnectionDiscoveredEventHandler_SecondDiscoveryAndConnectionParametersChange | 0.156 |
| testChannelSubscriptionEventHandler | 0.109 |
| testSubscribeLocal | 0.094 |
| testSubscribeLocalIsIdempotent | 0.094 |
| testSubscribeRemoteIsIdempotent | 0.093 |
| testSubscribeRemote_ChannelExists | 0.078 |
| testSubscribeRemote_NoChannel | 0.094 |
| testUnsubscribeLocal | 0.094 |
| testUnsubscribeRemote | 0.078 |
| testGetFrameReader | 0.094 |
| testGetFrameWriter | 0.094 |
| testRequestRetransmit | 0.093 |
| testRequestRetransmitAll | 0.094 |
| testRetransmit | 0.078 |
| testRetransmitAll | 0.094 |
| testRetransmitAllToAll | 0.078 |
| testRetransmitToAll | 0.094 |
| testConnectionDiscoveredEventHandler | 0.5 |
| testInactiveFTContextsJoinCluster | 0.453 |
| testMultipleProvisionalActiveFTContextsJoinCluster | 1.078 |
| testMultipleConfirmedActiveFTContextsJoinCluster | 1.36 |
| testCandidateInactiveAndOtherActiveContextChanges | 1.781 |
| testGetLocalContainer | 0.031 |
| testGetRemoteContainer | 0.031 |
| testAddContainerLocal | 0.031 |
| testAddContainerRemote | 0.031 |
| testRemoveContainerLocalAndRemoteNotFound | 0.188 |
| testRemoveContainerLocalAndRemoteFound | 0.093 |
| testClearRemoteContainers | 0.031 |
| testClearLocalContainers | 0.031 |
| testGetLocalContainers | 0.047 |
| testHandleChannelReadyEventNoPendingRpc | 0.047 |
| testHandleChannelReadyEventWithPendingRpc | 0.046 |
| testHandleConnectionDestroyedEventNoResultRecords | 0.032 |
| testHandleConnectionDestroyedEventWithResultRecords | 0.046 |
| testPublishAndInvoke | 5.859 |
| testPublishAndInvokeTimeout | 1.844 |
| testHandleNoResultRecords | 0.047 |
| testHandleWithResultRecords | 0.062 |
| testContextOperation | 3.687 |
| testSubscription_StaticContainer | 0.984 |
| testContainerDestroyedEventHandler | 0.141 |
| testRxEventHandler | 0.172 |
| testTxEventHandler | 0.172 |
| testContainerStateChangeEventHandler | 0.156 |
| testRequestRetransmit | 0.172 |
| testRequestRetransmitAll | 0.156 |
| testSubscribe | 0.172 |
| testUnsubscribe | 0.219 |
| testSend | 0.156 |
| testGetRemoteContextIdentity | 0.157 |
| testGetSubscribedContainers | 0.172 |
| testGetSubscribedContainersByteString | 0.156 |
| testIsConnectionSyn | 0.172 |
| testDoRemoteContainerDestroyed | 0.172 |
| testDoSynAckReceived | 0.172 |
| testDoSynReceived | 0.172 |
| testDoTxSubscribe | 0.125 |
| testDoTxUnsubscribe | 0.156 |
| testSplitTypeAndIdentity | 0.125 |
| testHandleDataMessage | 0.156 |
| testDoRetransmitAll | 0.141 |
| testDoRetransmitByteString | 0.422 |
| testDefaultConstructor | 0.375 |
| testSimpleConnect | 0.344 |
| testConnectDisconnectReconnect | 0.5 |
| testActiveAsymmetricEventProcessor | 0.203 |
| testAsymmetricEventProcessor | 0.047 |
| testGetEventHandlerMappings | 0 |
| testHashCode | 0 |
| testEqualsObject | 0 |
| testAddListener | 0 |
| testGetIdentity | 0 |
| testConstructorString | 0 |
| testReadStateNoException | 0 |
| testReadStateWithException | 0.015 |
| testReadStateIgnore | 0.094 |
| testWriteStateNoException | 0.016 |
| testWriteStateException | 0 |
| testWriteStateIgnore | 0 |
| testAddListener_concurrency | 0.032 |
| testUnregisterListener | 0.015 |
| testUnregisterListeners | 0.016 |
| testRegisterBuilder | 0.047 |
| testRegisterInvalidTypeBuilder | 0.047 |
| testContainsType | 0.031 |
| testGetDefinition | 0.047 |
| testCreateContainer | 0.047 |
| testDestroy | 0.094 |
| testHashCode | 0.047 |
| testEqualsObject | 0.078 |
| testGetType | 0.063 |
| testInit | 0.062 |
| testIsEmpty | 0.047 |
| testContains | 0.062 |
| testAddRemove | 0.047 |
| testRemove_concurrency | 0.078 |
| testAdd_concurrency | 0.047 |
| testAddRemoveNonLocal | 0.062 |
| testAddRemoveNonLocalWithReaderThread | 0.094 |
| testMarkForRemoteSubscription | 0.047 |
| testGet | 0.063 |
| testGetComponentIdentities | 0.031 |
| testStartFrame | 0.078 |
| testStartEventsOnlyAllowedOnce | 0.047 |
| testCommitEvents | 0.047 |
| testFlushFrame | 0.093 |
| testGetSetState | 0.047 |
| testReadWrite | 0.078 |
| testLockFrame | 0.266 |
| testReLock | 0.453 |
| testIsEventFrameThread | 0.062 |
| testAddRemoveListenerRaisesEvents | 0.266 |
| testReadWrite | 0.078 |
| testListeningToSingleField | 0.046 |
| testGetFieldsToWrite | 0.047 |
| testProcessEventsNotMarked | 0.328 |
| testProcessEventsMarked | 0.344 |
| testSinkEvent | 0.031 |
| testThreading | 0.688 |
| testUpdateOrdering | 0.359 |
| testCloneUpdateFails | 0.047 |
| testGet | 0.047 |
| testFrameworkSerialisation | 0.313 |
| testSerialisePerformanceImage | 5.843 |
| testSerialisePerformanceDeltas | 3.313 |
| testSerialiseValidate | 0.11 |
| testSerialiseChangedDefinition | 0.406 |
| testInvalidUserCode | 0.063 |
| testNonExistingField | 0.079 |
| testDestroy | 0.266 |
| testSubscribe | 0.109 |
| testUnsubscribe | 0.094 |
| testGetSubscribedContainers | 0.125 |
| testUpdate | 0.125 |
| testAddListener | 0.062 |
| testRemoveListener | 0.079 |
| testGetSubscribedContainersWithISubscriptionParameters | 0.14 |
| testIsSubscribed | 0.203 |
| testGetType | 0.032 |
| testGetComponentIdentities | 0.032 |
| testAdd | 0.016 |
| testWireCodeStart | 0.047 |
| testStaticContainerDefinitionCtor | 0.016 |
| testAddSelf | 0.046 |
| testRemove | 0.016 |
| testGetSource | 0.344 |
| testGetIdentityForIWF | 0.047 |
| testGetIdentityForSWF | 0.015 |
| testGetWireIdentityFor | 0.031 |
| testGetIdentityForWireCode | 0.016 |
| testGetPermission | 0.047 |
| testGetApplication | 0.031 |
| testGetIdentityForWireCodeNotExisting | 0.032 |
| testGetWireCodeForIdentityForSelf | 0.031 |
| testGetWireCodeForIdentity | 0.016 |
| testGetWireCodeForIdentityNotExisting | 0.047 |
| testPopulate | 0.031 |
| testWriteStateReadState | 0.047 |
| testGetString | 0 |
| testGetNullString | 0 |
| testGetFloat | 2.407 |
| testGetDouble | 3.906 |
| testGetInt | 3.265 |
| testGetLong | 4.61 |
| testGetBoolean | 0 |
| testGetIntegeralPositive | 0 |
| testGetSignedRandomOneMillionTimes | 20.546 |
| testGetIntegeralNegative | 0 |
| testWriteThenRead | 0.046 |
| testWriteComplete | 0.172 |
| testFindHeaderAndDataBufferPositions | 0.016 |
| testWriteThenReadNested | 0.015 |
| testBasicSystemWith2Types | 5.656 |
| testEncodeDecode | 0.875 |
| testEncodeDecodeSpecialChars | 0 |
| testGetArgsAsStringAndArray | 0 |
| testRpcDefinitionString | 0.015 |
| testHandle | 0 |
| testHandleThrowsException | 0.016 |
| testEquals | 0 |
| testDisableRemoteMethods | 0.109 |
| testEnableRemoteMethods | 0 |
| testEnableRemoteMethodsNotAllMethodsImplemented | 0.016 |
| testEnableRemoteMethodsNotInteface | 0 |
| testConstructor_IRpcDefinition_IContainer | 0.016 |
| testUpdateResultRecord | 0 |
| testGetArgumentTypes | 0 |
| testCreateArgs | 0 |
| testGetArgString | 0 |
| testGetArgArray | 0 |
| testGetSignatureStringClassOfQextendsIFieldArray | 0 |
| testGetSignatureStringIFieldArray | 0 |
| testConvertToNativeIFieldArray | 0.016 |
| testConvertToFrameworkObjectArray | 0 |
| testConvertToFrameworkClassArray | 0 |
| testResizeByteArrayArrayInt | 0 |
| testTrimByteArrayArrayInt | 0 |
| testResizeIntArrayArrayInt | 0 |
| testResizeStringArrayArrayInt | 0 |
| testTrimIntArrayArrayInt | 0 |
| testTrimStringArrayArrayInt | 0 |
| testStartsWith | 0 |
| testIndexOf | 0.016 |
| testMerge | 0 |
| testSet | 0 |
| testClear | 0 |
| testIterator | 0 |
| testRemoveAll | 0.016 |
| testAddCOMPONENT | 0 |
| testAddIntCOMPONENT | 0 |
| testAddAllCollectionOfQextendsCOMPONENT | 0 |
| testAddAllIntCollectionOfQextendsCOMPONENT | 0 |
| testRemoveInt | 0 |
| testRemoveObject | 0 |
| testRetainAll | 0.015 |
| testDifferentClass | 0 |
| testSame | 0.015 |
| testEqObjectObject | 0 |
| testEqBooleanBoolean | 0 |
| testEqByteByte | 0 |
| testEqCharChar | 0 |
| testEqShortShort | 0.016 |
| testEqIntInt | 0 |
| testEqLongLong | 0 |
| testEqFloatFloat | 0 |
| testEqDoubleDouble | 0.016 |
| testEqBooleanArrayBooleanArray | 0.015 |
| testEqByteArrayByteArray | 0 |
| testEqCharArrayCharArray | 0 |
| testEqShortArrayShortArray | 0.016 |
| testEqIntArrayIntArray | 0 |
| testEqLongArrayLongArray | 0 |
| testEqFloatArrayFloatArray | 0 |
| testEqDoubleArrayDoubleArray | 0 |
| testEqObjectArrayObjectArray | 0 |
| testDeepEq | 0 |
| testNotNull | 0 |