Package fulmine.event.listener

Interface Summary
IEventListener A listener processes notifications from IEventSource instances.
ILifeCycleEventListener An event listener with life-cycle operations.
IPriorityEventListener A marker interface for an event listener that should take priority over a standard IEventListener.
IPriorityLifeCycleEventListener A more refined listener that includes life-cycle operations.

Class Summary
AbstractEventHandler<T extends IEvent> Base class for an object that handles a specific type of IEvent.
ActiveAsymmetricEventProcessor An active variant of the AsymmetricEventProcessor.
ActiveEventListener An active event listener implementation that uses an internal EventProcessor to execute the update logic.
AsymmetricEventProcessor This class must be started by calling AbstractLifeCycle.start().
AsymmetricEventProcessor.Result The output from the processing of the driving and driven events handled by an AsymmetricEventProcessor.
EventListenerUtils Provides a convenience method to create filters
MultiEventListener An event listener that is a composition of multiple internal IEventListener objects that each handle a specific type of IEvent.
MultiSystemEventListener An extension of the MultiEventListener that handles system events.
PriorityMultiEventListener A MultiEventListener refinement that is marked as a priority listener.

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